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The Kolbrin Bible: 21st Century Master Edition, is published by Your Own World Books, an imprint of Knowledge Mountain Media, Inc., an auxiliary of the Knowledge Mountain Church.

Your Own World Books
Copyrighted Editions (Compilation)

  • First Edition – April 2005
  • Second Edition – May 2006

Orignal Publication Team

  • Marshall Masters, Publisher
  • Janice Manning, Editor
  • Steve Russell, Researcher
  • Glenn Kimball, Researcher

Publisher’s Commentary by Marshall Masters

Our 2005 first edition was titled The Kolbrin.  However, with our 2006 second edition, we changed the title to The Kolbrin Bible: 21st Century Master Edition.  Here is the story.


Determining the original manuscript’s provenance was essential to our publishing effort.  That is a chronology of its authors, translators, custodians, and locations, beginning with the original manuscripts and their subsequent editions.

Janice Manning would do the primary analysis, with an assessment of the different writing voices of the original manuscript.  Meanwhile, I worked with Glenn Kimball and Steve on historical research.  Do the events in the text correlate to or work within a similar timeframe concerning events noted by other texts within the same era?

Initially, we focused on the original authors, the Egyptians and the Celts.  Glenn’s research would focus on the Egyptian text.  Steve’s on the Celtic texts.

The Egyptian Texts

Glenn Kimball helped us take an excellent first step thanks to his years of research into the unknown years of Jesus, which led him to the Kolbrin and the Phoenicians.

Glenn found that in their day, the Phoenicians had the best sailing ships in the known world, and they could navigate by the stars.  Consequently, their sailing routes blanketed the Mediterranean and out past Gibraltar to the coastline of Africa and Great Britain to the north.

The question then became, who would need to book a passage on a voyage departing from present-day Lebanon and North Israel to Great Britain and why?  Bear in mind this ocean voyage would be over four thousand miles one way, so there had to be something worth the bother.

During the late bronze age, Great Britain became a major exporter of tin, which is combined with copper to make bronze.  Today, we use bronze for church bells, musical instruments, art, and various commercial applications.

Copper is relatively easy to find, but tin is scarce, and in those days, there were only two known sources.  Great Britain and Germany, and after the German mines played out, fate favored the Celts and the Phoenicians.

Their ships would depart for Great Britain loaded with trading goods, and two of the most desired items were Tyrian purple dye, also known as royal purple, and Egyptian papyrus.

The Egyptian papyrus became the first link because, after the Exodus event, the Egyptians began a regional search throughout their trading sphere for any knowledge about the Hebrew god.

Glenn found they had worked extensively with the Phoenicians on this, and as evidence of that, the fourth book, Sons of Fire in the Egyptian texts, is the folklore and family laws of the Phoenicians.  The other books are from the Egyptians and elsewhere, but a solid clue to their association is in the first book written by the Egyptians because, close to the beginning, they reference the book Sons of Fire by name.  Very unusual for the text.

This Sons of Fire connection to his research on Joseph of Arimathea was compelling, the man who buried Jesus after his crucifixion.  He was a member of the Sanhedrin, a Jewish council led by the high priests.  Joseph was a man of substance and position whose support for Jesus never wavered.

But why is it that his support never wavered?

That question led Glenn to the unknown years of Jesus when he found that Joseph of Arimathea owned tin mines in Great Britain and would have sailed with the Phoenicians to Great Britain while conducting business.

Glenn contended that Jesus had accompanied Joseph of Arimathea on a business trip to Great Britain during his lost years between His childhood and His ministry.  No doubt, he and Jesus bonded during these long voyages and adventures, and what is clear is that the Celts knew Jesus, loved Him and His teachings, and mourned his death.

It all connects, but what pulled it all together for me was when Glenn found that Ancient Celtic tutors taught the Egyptian texts to children of Roman leaders during their occupation of Great Britain.

This finding was sufficient for our provenance efforts concerning the Egyptian texts.

The Celtic Texts

In his research of the Celtic texts, Steve Russell found a centuries-old profile of extraordinary courage and dedication.

He began with the Glastonbury Abbey, which was attacked in 1184 by King Henry II on the order of Rome.  The official reason was the Celtic Priests there were heretics.  The reason is that the Celts loved Jesus as an ascended master but rejected the Trinity.   Many priests died; the rest gathered what they could, fled to the North of Scotland, and formed a secret order.

In the 1st century, they translated the work to Old Celtic, consistent with Glenn’s findings that children learned the translated texts during the Roman occupation of Great Britain.  Then, in the 18th century, the work was secretly translated into Old English and remained hidden in North Scotland until the 20th century.

The order moved the Old English edition to London in the late 1920s, where it would be translated into Continental English.  Steve learned that the entire work was nearly destroyed during the Nazi Blitz, but not by Nazi bombs, but instead by a superstitious housewife who happened upon them.

She deemed them to be heresy, and fortunately, members of the order stopped her before she could destroy them and secreted them back to Scotland, where they remained until after the fall of the Soviet Union, after which they were made public.  Steve did an excellent job of gathering the information, and his findings on the Celtic texts satisfied our provenance requirement.

The New Title

Janice delivered her findings, which confirmed that it would be virtually impossible to create a forgery such as this and that, plus Glenn’s and Steve’s findings, we could vet the work successfully.  Other things also came out at this time.

Glenn pointed out that the Phoenicians were the unsung heroes of the story and that the term “historical anthology” fails to define the scope of the work.

Janice, our editor, agreed.  She argued that it should be renamed The Kolbrin Bible for two reasons: accuracy and recognition.

The term bible refers to any authoritative work and comes from the Greek “Biblia,” meaning books, which stems from “Byblos.” Byblos was an ancient Phoenician port.  Therefore, to honor these unsung heroes, we changed The Kolbrin to The Kolbrin Bible, which now brings us to the sub-title: 21st Century Master Edition.

Studied in Great Britain until the Glastonbury Abbey attack in 1184, the Egyptian texts inspired the Celts to create their wisdom texts.  After that, this suppression by Rome forced the work underground, where generations of magnificent, courageous men continued the translation work.  They always wanted to make it relevant and did.

In a similar vein, Steve offered that we were continuing that work and needed to acknowledge that because it took us three years to complete the provenance analysis and publishing of the work available today.  Janice substantially upgraded the punctuation using modern standards, and I added a new citation system of my creation.  So, she and I chose to identify our edition as the 21st Century Master Edition.  And now you know the name’s story.

This publishing journey has been inspiring and humbling for me.  While I do not know their names or whatever travails they encountered over the centuries, I feel that we are all brothers of the Kolbrin, and now that the knowledge is once again free to the world, this is your chance to become a brother or a sister of the Kolbrin as well.

Marshall Masters, Publisher
September 1, 2023